Understanding RLS
Restless legs syndrome (RLS), also called Willis-Ekbom disease (WED), is a common and treatable neurological disorder that can affect anyone, regardless of age.
If you have RLS, you are not alone. It is estimated that 7–8 percent of the US population is living with the disease.
RLS results in an irresistible urge to move the legs or other parts of the body, often accompanied by unusual or unpleasant sensations that may be described as creeping, tugging or pulling. Because symptoms most often occur in the evening, they can severely disrupt sleep and reduce quality of life.
While a cure for RLS has not yet been discovered, many treatments, coping strategies and support resources are available to help individuals and families living with the disease.
WATCH: I've Been Diagnosed with RLS, Now What?
This one-hour webinar covers the basics of RLS for patients newly diagnosed or who have known RLS but would like to learn more about the disorder.
Watch Webinar Now
What you'll learn:What is RLS? How to recognize RLS. Disorders often confused with RLS. Self-help options. RLS treatment options. What is augmentation? What can I do about it?
This one-hour webinar discusses the significance of Iron in RLS.
Watch Webinar Now
What you'll learn:
What is Iron Homeostasis? Why and How Iron Deficiency conditions are a major environmental trigger for RLS. The Role of Iron Supplementation. Who Benefits from IV Iron?
Research into the cause of RLS is ongoing. Researchers have discovered gene variants that contribute to the risk for RLS. We do know that while RLS often runs in families, it also may appear as a result of another condition. A substantial number of women develop RLS during pregnancy. In addition, anemia, low iron levels, end-stage renal disease with dialysis, and peripheral neuropathy are all associated with RLS.
Introductory information
RLS: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
This brochure discusses the stymptoms of RLS, possible causes, and different treatment options.
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This patient handout offers an overview of RLS symptoms, treatment, coping methods and more.
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If you have RLS, you are not alone. Questions?
Please contact us at info@rls.org today.