Find a Healthcare Provider

clinical trials

To better serve our members, the Foundation maintains a directory of healthcare providers who have expressed interest and knowledge in the treatment of restless legs syndrome (RLS).

Use the search fields below to locate a provider in your area. If you do not find a doctor in your area, try to broaden your search criteria or search by state. You do not have to include a city to complete your search.

Healthcare Provider Directory
Results: (1 - 12) of 12
NameBusiness PhoneCity
Kunal Agarwal
(941) 827-0701
William McDowell Anderson
(813) 974-2920
Andy Berkowski
(734) 822-4757
Hernando Bernal
(813) 971-3564
Barry Cutler
(954) 437-4000
Pembroke Pines
Brody Henkel
(813) 876-6321
Lance Kim
(352) 867-9877
Kimberly Kreitinger
(407) 631-2060
Jeremy McConnell
(941) 792-8383
Rammohan Rao
(850) 435-7448
Navin Verma
(407) 240-1762
Michelle Zetoony
(727) 826-0933
Pinellas Park
Results: (1 - 12) of 12

Are you satisfied with your RLS healthcare provider? If so, please refer them to our Healthcare Provider Directory so others seeking help with their RLS can get help.

User Responsibilities: Any decision to visit a healthcare provider from this directory is the sole responsibility of the user. These healthcare providers have expressed an interest in treating RLS. Each person is encouraged to make his/her own investigation prior to consulting for treatment. By using this directory you are assuming full responsibility for using this information and understand and agree that the RLS Foundation is neither responsible nor liable for any claim, loss, or damage from its use.

RLS Foundation Disclaimer: Information provided in this directory is a courtesy of the Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation. While we try to keep this information as accurate as possible, we disclaim any representation about its accuracy, completeness, or appropriateness for a particular purpose.

The RLS Foundation makes no representations concerning the quality of medical care or level of professional skills of any specific healthcare provider. In addition, the listing of these persons does not constitute or imply a recommendation or endorsement by the RLS Foundation.