Education is part of our mission. Weekly support groups on Zoom, local face-to-face support groups, monthly free webinars, annual Summits and in-person Symposiums are some of the ways you can participate.
The Foundation sponsors free weekly support meetings on Zoom open to anyone. Pre-registration is required.
Due to the demand, and in order to keep the meetings small enough to have meaningful and manageable conversations, please sign up for only one meeting per month. You will receive an email after registering and a reminder an hour before the meeting with ZOOM login information. Here are some upcoming meetings:
Tuesday, December 3 at 12 PM PT, 1 PM MT, 2 PM CT, 3 PM ET
Wednesday, December 11 at 5 PM PT, 6 PM MT, 7 PM CT, 8 PM ET
Thursday, December 19 at 12 PM PT, 1 PM MT, 2 PM CT, 3 PM ET
Foundation volunteers coordinate support meetings in their area, some are in person and some may be held online. Networking with others in your area can provide the support you need to learn more about RLS and discuss strategies that work for others in managing their RLS. If you are interested in starting a support group in your area, contact Kaleigh Maxwell at 512-366-9109. Watch here for upcoming meetings in your area.
Join us for a virtual group meeting on Thursday, December 12 at 6:00pm ET. To RSVP or learn more, contact Group Leader Malcolm Ferguson at
Speaker: Dr. Andrew Spector, Associate Professor of Neurology at Duke University
Date: Thursday, January 16, 202511am PT / 2pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET
Register to Attend